The First Mallcore Album: 30%: TheArchivist: November 27th, 2017: Read: Vulgar Display Of Fillers: 84%: Desiple_of_The_Ice25: December 24th, 2016: 52 Pantera Album Photos. To rape and burn show progress is minimal White hoods and militants you know it's such a pity Living, breathing Violence in your city If one man Had one home In one world Held live alone without variety Full of anxiety No one to point at, question Or even talk to - in his private grave No matter what color He wouldn't be saved from hell He dwells Pantera even got a Grammy nomination for the song I’m Broken.
This made Pantera's success skyrocket overnight and gave Abbott the title of 'guitar god' posthumously.
Pantera in Australia, 2001 (Image credit: Paul Natkin/Getty Image) If Vulgar Display Of Power was a stunning high, then what followed in 1994 was an ever bigger success.